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Is there any specific character profile for film extra jobs?

If you are keen to get film extra work, you might be curious to know if there is any specific character profile that directors/producers look for in extras. It’s extremely rare that casting directors will be looking for someone who has gone extensive training as film extras do not have much of the work to do. There are numerous institutes that provide training sessions for extras. You can join one such institute to learn how to operate in front of camera, how to take direction, how to behave confidently on screen, and so on. For film extra, this much training is enough.

Even when it comes to appearance and personality, you can be just anyone to get extras work. You can be small, tall, large, thin, fat, fair, dark, ugly, beautiful, old, young, the list is almost endless. Since you would be staying in the background, there are no specifications to get film extra work.

But there are certain personality traits that you must have in order to get extras work. The first such trait is patience. Working as an extra requires a large amount of lounging around with nothing much to do other than reading, knitting, chatting, etc. So, if you choose to work an extra be prepared that there would be a great deal of waiting for which a large amount of patience is also required. 

Another important skill or personality trait that you must have in order to get film extra work is flexibility. Whenever you are being offered extras work, you must know that you won’t be told till the last minute what is expected from you. It might happen that you were selected to be in the background in a market scene but due to some reasons the directors want you to be a part of the rain sequence. As an extra, you can’t say that you were not told about it or that you can’t do that. You have to very flexible and willing to do whatever is expected from you on the sets.

Extras work means a lot of waiting and lounging around, doing nothing at all. But it is very important to be attentive of what’s happening around you. Even if an important scene is being shot in which you are not required, watch it closely. Agility and swiftness can help you impress the directors producers present at the sets and can improve your chances of getting film extra or extras work in tv and other entertainment media in the future.

If you feel that your individual personality matches the traits given above, you must not have any problem in finding and doing extras film and tv extras work.

To find film extra, extras work in tv, you can visit www.castingnow.co.uk

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