


  • 1,231 Profile Views
  • www.CastingNow.co.uk/walker65
    Unique ID: walker65
  • Playing Age: from 44 to 44
    Gender: Male

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About Me

I am a 44 year old guy, divorced with 3 kids who loves to sing!

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

As far as paid working jobs then I hold my hands up, I am knew to this. I have sang in a band and been in a recording studio to do a few cover versions. I love to get on stage at open microphone nights and yes , karaoke evenings!

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I think I can sing to a decent level and although I like to front and consider myself an entertainer, I am particularly looking for backing vocals work in recording studios or on the road. All I can ask is give me an audition and see what you think!

Interests & Hobbies

Playing and watching sport, singing obviously, watching live bands perform at all levels, eating out, spending time with my kids.

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