

  • 2,946 Profile Views
    Unique ID: siany711
  • Playing Age: from 42 to 42
    Gender: Female

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About Me

Im Sian , along with my husband i run Face in a Crowd, we do promotion work and face painting, get in touch with me via google .. 'faceinacrowd . net' is always a place to start,07976 289234

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

15 years

Other Information

Relevant Skills

face painting , bubble happy and positive always

Interests & Hobbies

hill walking canoeing skiing, we just love skiing

Miscellaneous Information

if youve got this far then we have sparked an interest, please get in touch we are willing to have a go at just about anything, we can give you what you need ,, rather than what we want.. nothing pretentious here just honest fun and game for anything

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