

  • 927 Profile Views
    Unique ID: petamoffitt
  • Playing Age: from 36 to 36
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I am a 36 year old Mum of 3 children with 2 additional step daughters. I have acted, sung and danced since about 3 years old. I am now an active member of a local amateur dramatics society and have been since leaving school.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I have acted throughout my life (in an amateur capacity) I have acted in all genres, shakespear, musicals, panto, comedy, Farces etc

Qualifications & Training

9 GCSE's in A-C grades. (Drama A)
BTEC National in Busines & Finance
AAT Accounting Qualification Levels 1, 2 & 3

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I think that I am able to emerge into a role completely and take pride in researching the character (or type) of character I am playing. I am a good communicator on all levels and pride myself on being 100% committed to whatever I do.

Interests & Hobbies

Amateur Dramatics, Fitness, Travel, Eating & Drinking

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