

  • 2,652 Profile Views
    Unique ID: paula001
  • Playing Age: from 28 to 28
    Gender: Male

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About Me

Happy, confident and intelligent. I am ambitious and determind - I give 110% to everything I do

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Ra.One, I against I, Like Crazy, Shrill.
Modelled for Daily Mail Femail section. David Mott showreel

Qualifications & Training

BA in English literature
University of Cambridge

Other Information

Relevant Skills

Confident and lively I have a good clear speaking voice - I take direction well and I am easy to work with
I have attended several acting workshops.
additionally I can roller skate - ride a bike - wait on tables and pull a pint!

Miscellaneous Information

On my profile it states that I am 28.
I am 32. I cannot edit the age.

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