

  • 1,652 Profile Views
    Unique ID: nukki
  • Playing Age: from 34 to 34
    Gender: Female

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About Me

My name is Anoushka many people call me Nukki. I love presenting and feel very fortunate to be working in such a tough industry. I believe you could never have too many strings to your bow so I recently took a journalism course to increase my skillset. I am a mother who really wants to banish the traditional image of 'mumsy' mums just aren't like the Fairy liquid ads anymore!

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I have experience in the following:

Autocue, Talking to counts, Pre recorded shows which require the ability to talk to hard counts and hours of live Tv which has required a gift of the gab. Interviewing.

Other Information

Relevant Skills

Degree in Contemporary Mdia Practice a hands on 3 year degree. I am comfortable in front of the camera but originally trained to be behind it!

Interests & Hobbies

VW cars

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