

 Actor  Model

  • 4,235 Profile Views
    Unique ID: mcnut
  • Playing Age: from 50 to 60
    Location: London
    Gender: Male

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About Me

I have been diabetic since the age of 15 but am well controlled on a flexible insulin and diet regime which means I require no special arrangements.



Languages Spoken

 -  English
 -  French

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I have served on various committees within local government in areas such as education, health and safety, crime prevention and road safety. I am used to addressing audiences in both formal and informasl settings.

Qualifications & Training

CertEd, BEd, DipMaths, MA(Ed)

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I act as a courier on coach trips for fans attending grands prix around Europe.

Interests & Hobbies

All types Of motor sport but especially Formula One
Films and literature
Drawing and painting

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