


  • 4,083 Profile Views
  • www.CastingNow.co.uk/louiserundle
    Unique ID: louiserundle
  • Playing Age: from 35 to 35
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I am an energetic professional who is extremely self motivated. I am a confident and creative communicator with over 15 years media and broadcasting experience. I have a keen eye for detail and I keep a cool and level head in a highly pressurised work environment. I also have a high degree of technical competence in both television and radio studios. I am a very experienced Continuity Announcer, Voice over Artist and Presenter, and above all, I love what I do!

Audio Reels

Demo 1 - Lou Rundle

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Continuity Announcer for BBC TV, SKY and UKTV. I am also an experienced Voice Over Artist and have worked across various campaigns including radio features for Sky, Lotto and Belling, as well as audio features for the NHS and the RNIB. Presenter for Absolute Radio and Atlantic FM.

Qualifications & Training

NCTJ Foundation in Journalism.
BA (Hons) Time Based Media, Art & Design.
A -Level Theatre Studies, Fine Art and English Literature.
As –Level General Studies.
GCSE English Language, English Literature, Maths, Physics, Art, Geography,
French, Computing and Micro Electronics, Business Studies and Spanish.

Other Employment Related Courses Attended
News Writing For Local Radio (BBC)
Local Radio Presentation (BBC)
Training The Trainer (BBC)
Broadcast Law Parts 1 & 2 (BBC)
DSE Assessment Training (BBC)
Voice Training (BBC)
Health & Safety (BBC)
Writing For The Internet (BBC)
*I have also attended various training courses in the use of broadcasting
software etc.

Other Information

Interests & Hobbies

Keeping Fit, Reading, Listening to the radio, Travelling, Gardening, Dancing and Films, Driving and cars. Camping, Walking, Swimming and cooking. Media and the broadcasting industry. Music and Shopping!

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