

  • 2,448 Profile Views
    Unique ID: lillythepink
  • Playing Age: from 34 to 34
    Gender: Female

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About Me

My name is Sharon I'm 34 yrs old, born in Yorkshire. I am an experienced professional musician, spent many years busking around the UK and playing for Weddings etc.
Bass guitar player in school rock band playing Status quo, Eric Clapton, Rolling stones.
I have a strong Yorkshire accent (born in Huddersfield) although I now live in Devon.
I have very good people skills, I have a patient nature and I am very good at following directions.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Took part in school plays!

Qualifications & Training

GCSE Music, Art and English.
Grade 8 violin
Grade 3 piano

Other Information

Relevant Skills


Interests & Hobbies

Horse riding, salsa dancing, jazzercise, reading, travel, films, cooking, music.

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