

  • 2,569 Profile Views
    Unique ID: keydisco
  • Playing Age: from 53 to 53
    Gender: Male

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About Me


I am a young 53 year old male, I have had experience as a walk on and various extra work some years ago, I am a very enthusiastic person, and can adapt myself to anything that is required.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Working with BBC and STV in the past, on numerous TV films and drama.

Qualifications & Training

Most quilifications are in Transport where I have spent my working life. I also hold a class 1 driving licence.

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I can adapt to any situation, I also haqve a musical ability which I am sure would be usefull in some required fields.

Interests & Hobbies

I enjoy Films, Music, I also play Golf.

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