

  • 3,435 Profile Views
    Unique ID: jennyk
  • Playing Age: from 20 to 20
    Gender: Female

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About Me

Scottish Actor based in London. Currently looking for acting/extra work in both theatre, film and tv. Hard working and enthusiatic with a friendly nature, that is very easy to get along with.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

2007 Foundation in Acting for Stage & Screen (Actors College of Theatre & Television, ACTT Sydney, AUS)

2008-09 Year Out Drama Company (Stratford-upon-Avon)

Qualifications & Training

2007 Certificate III in Acting for Stage & Screen

2005/06 Scottish Highers- 2 As, 3Bs, C
(Art & Design, Chemistry, Drama, English, Maths, Product Design)

Other Information

Relevant Skills

Dance: Intermediate- Contemporary, Egyptian Belly, Jazz & Salsa
Singing: Both solo & Choral (Alto register with high belt range)
Guitar: Beginner

Interests & Hobbies

Basic Circus skills- Poi & Juggling
Scuba Diving- PADI Certified
Skiing & Snow Boarding (Advanced)

Miscellaneous Information

Full clean Drivers Licience

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