


  • 2,989 Profile Views
  • www.CastingNow.co.uk/jasmine1972
    Unique ID: jasmine1972
  • Playing Age: from 37 to 37
    Gender: Female

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About Me

Im 37 , Asian british woman i have 2 children aged 20 and 13 and enjoy life, I am 5ft 4inces have brown eyes and dark hair, i do look younger than my age.

i love fashion and all things nice, i have a good sense of humour and work well with a team.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I have recently joined an amateur dramatics in Bradford where i live to gain more experience.

Qualifications & Training

Grades B and C

Other Information

Relevant Skills

Peoples person , have many life experiences, good listener and quick learner, flexible and reliable.

Interests & Hobbies

jet sking, horse riding, reading, socialing, sewing , hairdressing, bikes,cars.

Miscellaneous Information

I have a full driving license and can travel.

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