


  • 2,636 Profile Views
  • www.CastingNow.co.uk/emily2010
    Unique ID: emily2010
  • Playing Age: from 25 to 25
    Gender: Male

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About Me

Emily has an eclectic range of musical styles, with a rich timbre and good vocal range. She is comfortable singing with varied genres. She specialises in vocal arrangement, backing vocals and A capella singing. She is warm, approachable, a team player with a sense of humour and good interpersonable skills. She have a professional approach towards singing, is reliable and punctual. Having a long and experienced history of performances, she is available for live shows, session work and also private vocal coaching. She is originally from Essex and based in Leeds, travelling south isn't a problem.

Audio Reels

Ain't Nobody - ChakaKhan

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Emily has experience as a solo vocalist in venues such as The Palladium, Theatre Royal Drury Lane and Wimbledon Theatre and as a backing vocalists in venues such as The Jazz Cafe, 606 Club, The Cavern, for Manchester Pride and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. She is experienced in the studio and has worked on many gospel, soul and pop projects. She does voice overs for internet club sites and has worked with vocalists as a section/choir leader for various projects. She is also a vocal coach privately and in a studio environment.

Qualifications & Training

• MA at Leeds College of Music.
• BA Popular Music Studies at Leeds College of Music.
• A first in a Diploma at Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts Ltd.
• Drama, Music and Music Technology A-levels.
• LCM, Grade 8 singing & performance.
• Associated Board Grade 8 Classical distinction.
• LCM, Grade 8 Popular Music

Other Information

Relevant Skills

• Singing
• Movement
• Vocal arrangement

Interests & Hobbies

• Vocal arrangement
• Travelling
• Exercising

Miscellaneous Information

• Emily Lynn - www.myspace.com/emilylynnmusic

• Gospel (original)- One Band www.myspace.com/onebandmusic

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