

  • 5,900 Profile Views
    Unique ID: debbieshore
  • Playing Age: from 45 to 45
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I am 45 years old, and have been in presentation for over 25 years, starting my career in Childrens TV back in the 1980's. I have a keen interest in sewing and produce my own successful range of instructional dvds.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I can use autocue, talkback and audiolink. Most of my tv experience is live.

Qualifications & Training

I can't really remember... the usual three maths, English and French, with a bit of fish cookery and a recent course in upholstery.

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I drive, sew, and have an annoying knowledge of poultry.

Interests & Hobbies

Oh, sewing again, I write for a sewing magazine, but love a good old walk with the dogs.

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