David Read


David Read

 Actor  Extra

  • 3,782 Profile Views
  • www.CastingNow.co.uk/david-read
    Unique ID: david-read
  • Playing Age: from 48 to 60
    Location: West Sussex
    Gender: Male

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About Me

Recently retired and keen to get more involved in film and tv work.



 -  Birmingham
 -  Black Country
 -  Cockney
 -  Geordie
 -  Gloucester
 -  Liverpudlian
 -  London
 -  Northern Irish
 -  Posh
 -  Scottish
 -  South London
 -  Southern England
 -  Welsh
 -  Yorkshire
 -  General American
 -  New York City
 -  French
 -  German
 -  Irish
 -  Italian
 -  South African

Employment History & Experience

Appeared in Made in Dagenham, Bonded by Blood, A Brunette Kiss, Thugs, Mugs & Violence, Will's Diaries and several student films

Extras Work, Partipant, Contestant


 -  Film (Professional)
 -  Film (Student)
 -  TV Shows

Employment History & Experience

Appeared as an extra in films: Made in Dagenham, Bonded By Blood, A Brunette Kiss, Will's Diaries (speaking part), Thugs, Mugs & Violence, John Hughes (speaking part) and several student films.

Also appeared as a clown in a children's tv show and in the current Channel 4 tv series, the Morgana Show.

Languages Spoken

 -  English

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

Spent many years working with police, doctors and other health professionals

Other Information

Relevant Skills

Can drive, swim, cycle, ballroom dance. Also able to do a wide range of voices and accents

Interests & Hobbies

Cycling, folk music, rugby union, walking and working with animals

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