

  • 4,089 Profile Views
    Unique ID: barbara1960
  • Playing Age: from 49 to 49
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I would like to think of myself as a pleasant bubbly sort of person, with lots of positive attitude to whatever it is i am setting out to do. I have two grown up children who have now flown the nest, have a little food business that is doing well but have reached a time in my life were I would love to do something for myself. I did a lot of drama in school which I enjoyed, so two years ago decided to join an academy which I have found to be a great way to see what my capabilities were and to my delight have had great feed back from my tutor,I have a good ability to learn lines very quickly and have no trouble falling into characters whether it serious or comedy. I am hoping that being on star now that I will be able to gain lots of experience in going for auditions and even getting some kind of roles in the near future.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

I am currently a student of the Stirling Acting Academy and am taking level five of the LAMDA exam I regularly take part in the showcases which are open to the public.

I have just finished filming a crime documentary for the b.b.c which was a reconstruction of the country biggest bank heist,i played the role of a police officer who found evidence to convict the thieves.

Other Information

Relevant Skills

I am very good at adlib and learning lines I don't have negative movement's and feel very comfortable in front of the camera.I think am more drawn to dramatic scenes rather than comedy. I would love also to try presenting work.

Interests & Hobbies

sports drama swimming,reading, t.v

Miscellaneous Information

I am very flexible , have own transport available all weekends and some weekdays should a role warrant me having time off work

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