

  • 3,776 Profile Views
    Unique ID: amyclark
  • Playing Age: from 27 to 27
    Gender: Female

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About Me

I am outgoing, confident and friendly. I will go out of my way to achieve the best results and and am a very hard worker.

Experience & Qualifications

General Experience

"When London slept, it came alive" - Firefly productions - Johnny Oddball and Pete Curran Co-directed
"Glorius" music video for the band 'Fuse' - Monkey’s Paw Ltd - John Keeling
"Dip" drama for the Channel 4 'Coming up' season of programmes - Sands Films - Lisa Gornick
'Little Deaths' -Feature film - Almost Midnight - Simon Rumley

Other Information

Interests & Hobbies

Ice skating
Computer games
Using the gym

Miscellaneous Information

I am a 5"7 female with hazel eyes and of average build. I have naturally medium length, dark brown hair but I do dye my hair, so I am currently a red head. I have six tattoos and several piercings but every one of them can be hidden and/or taken out when needed.

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