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Artists headshots

If a picture is worth a thousand words, what does your headshot say about you?

Special Offers for Casting Now Members

Mention CastingNow to get £25 off Artists Headshots.

About Us

Whether it's for your Actors CV/Resume, Spotlight profile, portfolio website, Linkedin, or even a shot for a social media website, it is important today more than ever to have a strong image of yourself that effectively reflects your values and professionalism.

I keep my shoots as informal and relaxed as possible and, as I travel to my clients for the shoot, they tend to find it a lot easier to relax in front of the camera.

A Headshot Session will normally only take a couple of hours from start to finish, but I do not set any specific limit at all. During the session, it is best to have at least three different outfits, to create a range of looks. I shoot against a plain white or black background and vary the lighting, depending on the required look and feel.

After the shoot, I will email you a Contact Sheet containing images from the days shoot for you to select the best 6 images for your portfolio. I will then retouch those images during the following week and send you the electronic versions.

Services Offered

Artists headshot sessions in your choice of location include 6 retouched images and an electronic contact sheet of images from the shoot. Fees start from £150.

Corporate headshot sessions in your office will include 2 retouched images per person. Fees start at £25 per person with a one off sitting fee from £200.